Mission 2540 is a non-profit 501(c)3 apartment ministry serving families in low-income multi-housing units. We work to meet their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs.
Founded in 2004, we strive to live out the call of Matthew 25:40 to reach out to the “least of these.” Through after-school and summer activities, resident assistance, and a variety of outreaches camps, and other programs through out the year, our desire is to Feed, Clothe, and Love our neighbors in need.

Special Outreach
We provide backpacks and school supplies to around 200 kids every August. We provide Christmas gifts to 100-150 kids each year, and provide Easter Meals to our neediest families every spring (25-30, depending on budget and need)

After-School Activities
We provide after-school games, snacks, crafts, and Bible studies to children living in the Affordable Housing Apartment Communities (once a week per apartment) where we work. Kids receive a sack full of snacks to take home at the end of each day.

We help families with rent, bills, groceries, medicine, gasoline, vehicle maintenance etc. as needs arise. We provide thousands of dollars worth of assistance to families every year.