The photo above represents the final water balloon tossed of the Summer of 2024! And now it’s time for kids to head back to school and get back into a normal routine. We finished off the summer with a fast a furious few weeks! CAMP AWESOME Our annual Camp Awesome took place the last week …

June Update

The first month of summer was fast and furious! We kicked things off with Summer Block Parties at several of our complexes with our friends at Hillside Christian Church. The Fellowship of Huntsville Student Ministry came to town June 17 for their annual “Week of Fun” on 9 of our apartment complexes. In between we …

May Update

School’s out and summer is here! It was obvious during the month of May that kids were ready to be out of school and on a break. They were full of energy, to say the least. We kept the fun rolling and tried to give the kids an outlet for energy. We said good-bye to …


April was full of sunshine and fun. And also – some really cool crafts! Our kids are pretty wild and crazy right now. They’ve finished up the STAAR test and they are definitely ready for summer. And so are we!


March just flew by (and that’s not even a joke about the wind!) We had a blast over spring break (thanks to the awesome bags provided to all our kids by the Hillside Christian Church kids ministry), spent the whole month learning a out Jesus’s last week on earth in preparation for Easter, enjoyed some …


We spent the month of February looking at the the Lord’s Prayer, and learning what it has to teach us about how to pray. We enjoyed some unseasonably warm weather and played outside – a lot. We painted rocks, which proved to be our most popular craft in years. And we soaked up all the …


We had a great start to 2024! Our focus the first couple months of the year is on learning The Lord’s Prayer, and all the things it teaches us about how to pray. We painted, colored, made paper airplanes, and more. We also had a few bright and sunny days, which we definitely enjoyed during …

Christmas 2023!

We love Christmastime around here! Our December calendar stays extra full, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. We kicked things off Dec. 9 with our annual partnership with Hillside Christian Church to put together the Sharing Tree Christmas Store. Hundreds of families were able to come purchase and wrap 2 presents for each …

October Update

We enjoyed warm, sunny weather for most of the month, and we don’t take that for granted! Warm weather brings out more kids, so we met new faces and had full rooms most every afternoon. Of course, October means pumpkin crafts and lots of discussions about costumes and who is going as what for Trick …

September Update

It doesn’t feel like it outside, but it is officially fall and we’ve made it through the month of September. The kids wish we’d keep the summer water balloons going to keep them cool, but we’ve found other ways to have fun! We’ve done some fun crafts, played some wacky games, and learned all about …